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Alice Chatbot, a CS2103T Independent Project

User Guide

Alice is a chatbot desktop app that manages your tasks for you so that you can focus on the things that really matters. It is optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI), so that you can get things done faster than any other traditional task management apps.



Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer
  2. Download the latest alice.jar from here
  3. Copy the file to the folder of your choice. This will be the home folder of Alice.
  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI that appears should be similar to the image below. startup
  5. Type the command in the text input field and press Enter to execute. Entering help will bring out the list of usable commands.
    Here are some example commands that you can try:
    • todo setup : Adds a new task named setup to the task list.
    • event Tutorial /at now : Adds a new Tutorial event that is happening at this current date and time.
    • list : Lists all tasks.
    • done 1 : Marks the first task as done
    • delete 2 : Delete the second task
    • clear all : Delete all tasks
    • bye : Exit the app.
  6. Refer to the Usage below to see more details of each command.



1. Task management

Execute simple task management with easy to use commands:

2. Task viewing

Get an overview of all tasks at hand with a simple list command.
Alternatively, search for specific tasks by their description using search or find

3. Date time support

Alice supports a wide range of date and time language so that you do not have to waste valuable time spelling everything out. Any unspecified date time details will be smartly predicted by Alice.

3.1 Formatted datetime

Some sample date time format that you can use: (Note: years are optional)

Date formats Time formats
02/12/2020 2300
02-12-2020 11:00pm
12-02-2020 11pm

3.2 Natural language

Use natural datetime language instead of spelling out actual date & time.

Natural Date Natural Time Hybrid Date Time
Today Morning (8AM) Now
Tomorrow Noon (12PM) Tonight
(Tomorrow Night)
Yesterday Evening (7PM)  
Day of the week Night (10PM)  
  Midnight (11.59PM)  

4. Auto save

There is no need to save manually. All data will be automatically saved after any command that alters the data.

A green circle at the bottom right of the chat bubble indicates a successful save, and a red circle indicates an unsuccessful one.



Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in todo DESC, DESC is a parameter which can be used as todo do homework.

  • Items in brackets are optional.
    e.g find KEYWORD (MORE_KEYWORDS)… can be used as find apple book or as find apple.

  • Items with after them can be used multiple times including zero times.
    e.g. (MORE_KEYWORDS)… can be used as ` ` (i.e. 0 times), lecture, book etc.

  • Words in square brackets means choose either one.
    e.g. clear [all, done] can be used as clear all or clear done
    e.g. [list, ls] as the command phrase means that you can use list or ls to execute the command.



Viewing help - help

Shows the list of commands and use format.

Format: help


Add a todo - todo

Create a task to be done and add it to the task list.

Format: todo DESC




Add an event - event

Create a task happening at the specified time and add it to the task list.

Format: event DESC /at DATETIME




Add a deadline - deadline

Create a task to be done by the specified time and add it to the task list.

Format: deadline DESC /by DATETIME




Mark task as done - done

Marks the specified task as completed.

Format: done TASK_NUMBER




Delete a task - [delete, del, rm]

Deletes the specified person from the address book.

Format: delete TASK_NUMBER




List all tasks - [list, ls]

Shows a list of all tasks in the address book.

Format: list


Find all the tasks whose description contains any of the given keywords.





Clear tasks - [clear, clr]

Clear tasks from the task manager.

Format: clear [all, done]



Exit the program - [bye, exit]

Exits the program.

Format: bye


Command summary

Action Command word Format, Examples
Todo todo todo DESC
e.g., todo Homework
Event event event DESC /at DATETIME
e.g., event Movie /at tomorrow 8pm
Deadline deadline deadline DESC /by DATETIME
e.g., deadline Finalise product /by 04-Aug 2359
Done done done TASK_NUMBER
e.g., done 2
Delete delete, del, rm delete TASK_NUMBER
e.g., delete 3
List list, ls list
Find find, search find KEYWORD (MORE_KEYWORDS)…
e.g., find work lecture
Clear clear, clr clear [all, done]
e.g., clear done
Help help help
Exit bye, exit bye